
"walking for children's better future..."

"sometimes...once in awhile, it's fun to be kids again"

jumeira beach park
26 nov 2010


"me...woman on top..."

Wise man says,
What man compares to mountain, rock and stone
When they, will be for billion years to come
While man dies in the end

What man compares to mountain, rock and stone
When they’ve spoken, it sounds beautiful
While man speaks only noise

What man compares to mountain, rock and stone
When they escalate, world become a better place
While man’s rise, only crafts sorrow and grief

Written by orange
Monastery, highest peak of Petra

"the place where human is nobody..."

"my rocks on the highest peak of Monastery"
"my rocks on the highest peak of Treasury"
"a peep to ancient city Petra"

"the cave is my dwell", Ancient Nabatean City @ Petra
Admission fee requires
Hiking, Tripping, Imagining & Meditating


"thank you God for Roman's..."

"the sky is my roof" Jerash, Roman City @ North Amman
Admission fee requires
Interesting for Byzantine lover